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Please and Thank You  

Nope. It’s not just your imagination.

People are saying please and thank you less and less. UCLA researchers suggest the word please is going the way of the corded phone and VHS tapes—quaint if you have shelf space.

In their now-published study of one thousand "request attempts," adults used "please" just 7% of the time. Among children, it was used in 10% of requests. According to a 2023 report, just 52% of US adults consider politeness an essential quality for kids.

Here’s the kicker. “When ‘please’ is used, it's typically to stave off resistance from the requestee. Turning down a polite request? Now, that would be rude.

Please and thank you have indeed fallen on hard times. But why should it be otherwise?

Using the word please implies, "I'm not entitled to this…but am respectfully asking for it." Which undermines a core value of a generation that feels absolutely entitled—to just about everything.

That same generation—having been given so much by their parents who asked little of their children in return—feels no need to say thank you.

To say thank you implies a sense of obligation or indebtedness. They feel none. So why go through the verbal charade?

Every generation has “bent places,” so none of us has a license to point fingers. But young—or old—Christ followers are called to “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor (Romans 12:10).Which includes saying please—and thank you.

It’s not a Boomer thing.

It’s a Bible thing.


 “Show perfect courtesy toward all people.”  -Titus 3:2b



SOURCE: https://nypost.com/2024/05/24/lifestyle/americans-have-forgotten-their-manners-how-to-say-please/?_hsenc=p2ANqtz--cu9SWzPclE_Y6CG3dLG9inhJ5X85j-Fsr2AAr23XIJO7D-dJt9xiBnwQjEF2gKQWHyt1RhyB_PobRtd5rjhpVNnUHbw&_hsmi=309521129



How Many Bless You's?  

The morning was cold, the ground was hard, and Emma's nose was runny. She and her sister Ava had spent the night at our camper. Though they'd set up chair cushions for mattresses, they'd slid off onto the trailer's hard floor by morning.

That's when five-year-old Emma began to sneeze. "Bless you," came big sister Ava's reply. Emma sneezed again. "Bless you!" I replied. Less than a minute later, a third and a fourth sneeze followed.

But a fifth sneeze awakened Emma’s curiosity: “Wait! How many ‘bless you’s did I get?”

“Five,” I answered, unable to stifle a chuckle.

Then, I started doing a personal inventory. How many “bless you’s” did I get this week?

That's a path I invite you to walk with me momentarily.

  • You didn’t miss a meal this week for lack of food? That’s a “Bless you.”
  • You say you have a job (even if it’s not great) that helps pay the bills? That’s a “Bless you.”
  • You have clothes in your closet? (I’ve met plenty of folks who own just one outfit--the one they're wearing). That’s a “Bless you.”

With minimal effort, you and I could list a hundred "bless you's” we’ve enjoyed just this week. So why aren’t we more thankful? Is it possible the real reason we "forget" to count our blessings is that having done so, we are reminded of our indebtedness—which is humbling?

Ironically, God seems to have hard-wired gratitude to a boost in our mood. In other words, having given God the credit for His past gifts, He gives us even more, including a happier frame of mind.

McKinsey and Company estimates Americans spend $450 billion annually on wellness products and services—with an annual growth rate of 5%. But you don't have to pay a penny.

Want to boost your mood—without taking any drugs? Thank God for three “bless you’s” you’ve enjoyed today. Like the old chorus urges, "Count your many blessings--name them one by one. And it will surprise you what the Lord has done!"

“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

-1 Thessalonians 5:18


Three Warnings from the Hamas War with Israel  

What does Hamas feel about their war with Israel? In America, we get a heavily filtered look at the facts. However, the actual sources reveal at least three chilling alarms many Christians overlook.


Alarm #1: Hamas intends to repeat the October 7 Attack.

During an October 24, 2023 interview on Lebanese television, Hamas member Ghazi Hamad declared: “Israel is a country that has no place on our land […] because it constitutes a security, military, and political catastrophe to the Arab and Islamic nation.”

But there's more! Hamad vowed to repeat attacks like October 7 "time and again until Israel is annihilated."

Consider the preamble to Hamas' founding charter, which quotes the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan al-Banna:

“Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (Preamble to Hamas Charter).


Alarm #2: Hamas Intends to Eliminate the State of Israel.

You often read—or see on television—viewpoints that suggest the war would stop and peace would come if only there were a sense of economic parity in the region.

The truth: Hamas has no—zero—interest in a two-state solution. In the radical Muslim hearts controlling Gaza, there is room for only one state—one devoid of every last single Jew.

In 2020, Ismail Haniyeh, regarded as the political leader of Hamas, affirmed, "We cannot, in exchange for money or projects, give up Palestine and our weapons. We will not give up the resistance... We will not recognize Israel. Palestine must stretch from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea."

In an April 2023 sermon, Hamas official Hamad Al-Regeb prayed for "annihilation" and "paralysis" of the Jews, whom he described as filthy animals: "[Allah] transformed them into filthy, ugly animals like apes and pigs because of the injustice and evil they had brought about." Al-Regeb also prayed for the ability to "get to the necks of the Jews."


Alarm #3: Hamas has bigger goals after Israel.

Their larger targets include Europe, then America in general—and Christians in specific.

Their goal of a worldwide caliphate—where Islam rules and reigns over all—demands they destroy Europe and then the United States.

Does this mean Israel has handled every detail of this (and past) wars with complete integrity? No!

Does it mean that everything Israel says and does is right? No!

It does mean that Americans are often not told the truth about this war. It also means there is a sense in which our survival as a nation depends on Israel's success in winning the war that Hamas began. Read more of what Hamas has said at this link: https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/hamas-its-own-words

Bottom line: Jesus was Jewish. And if you call yourself a Christ follower, you must care about what happens to Israel and the Jewish people—and their God-given land.

Photo by Kamran Aydinov, Freepik.com

There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. (Hamas Charter, Article 13).


"And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you, all the families of the earth will be blessed."  Genesis 12:3

Just Looking the Part  

As I walked through a Jacksonville airport store, I was confused. On the table was a stack of red and white lifeguard shirts. But since when can just anybody buy and wear a lifeguard shirt? Don’t you have to first be trained? Certified?

Looking closer, I realized the shirts were merely souvenirs for a popular swim spot known as Jax Beach (shown in much smaller print). No doubt the shirts sell well because our age is consumed with “looking the part.”

Going into a sporting goods store these days, you'll find very little sports equipment. It's primarily athletic wear, or "athleisure," because (in addition to being comfortable) people are fixated on wanting to look the part.

This desire to look the part has also affected us spiritually. For example, when it comes to sharing our faith, many of us can readily quote John 3:16. So we sound right. We "look" like spiritual lifeguards. Yet many haven’t spent time—let alone shared the gospel—with an unsaved friend for years, if ever. Plenty of us could use some training because real lives are at stake.

When the Bible uses the word "saved" or "salvation," this is not a bland theological lectureship. Think of a drowning victim in his last conscious moment desperately reaching out for a life ring.

That’s what’s in the balance—life and death! That is why it's not enough to merely "wear the tee shirt.” My apologies for shouting here, but this is absolutely that important.

I can assure you, there is someone in your life who desperately needs to hear the simple gospel from you. Someone who is spiritually drowning. Do you feel a sense of urgency? Enough to join Jesus in His urgent, life-saving rescue mission?

When it comes to sharing the life-saving message of Jesus and His death on the cross, are you a lifeguard? Or do you just wear the tee shirt?






Living at the Cross  

I saw something unusual the other day at the King's Camp as I played with Ava (7) and Emma (5).

The front wall of “Shelter B," where outdoor church services are held, features a wooden cross. Nothing unusual about that, right? But firmly attached to one side of that cross, we discovered a bird's nest. Round and reedy, the thing perched perfectly on the crossbeam.

Naturally, Ava and Emma urged me to find out if there were any eggs (or babies) inside that nest. But a respectful search revealed nobody was home at the time.

At first, the presence of that nest struck me as quirky, a bit irreverent even. Who builds a nest on a cross? But after further thought, the bird's choice of homes struck me as a visual metaphor for wise believers. 

Living at the cross, the bird and its family enjoyed complete safety. Lashed to that unshakable upright, they would never experience uncertainty or wobbly times.

Likewise, those of us who choose to live at the cross of Christ enjoy uninterruptible peace and safety. But that kind of peace comes only from a lifestyle of living at the cross. You don't get it by merely visiting once a week on Sundays or only when you happen to feel spiritually needy. C.J. Mahaney reminds us, "A cross-centered life is made up of Christ-centered days."

Some will remember the old hymn, "Near the Cross."  But for a sinner like me, that's not enough. I need to live at the cross. Only then can I hope to make it through the wobbly times.


“If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” —Luke 9:23



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