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Your Life is a Book  

I suffer from an addiction.


I love the way they look, the way they feel—even the way they smell. I cannot pass up a bookstore, book stall, or library without perusing. And my biggest distraction at any airport is the spinning rack or sprawling stack of books.

Don't get me wrong. A Kindle is fun—and mighty handy. But there's something profound about cradling a beautifully crafted volume.

Likely, that's why Psalm 139:16 arrested my attention. David writes, "Your eyes have seen my formless substance; and in Your book were written all the days that were ordained for me when as yet there was not one of them."

Consider: your days are all ordained. Which means there's a plan for your life, a story arc. And if our days are ordained, it means Someone is doing the ordaining—God.

When you write a book, the publisher assigns you an editor who has the last word on everything: content, style, deadline, and even the cover. David reminds us that not only is God our Maker, but He's also our Editor.

Regarding the number of our days, there was a time when “there was not one of them.” Likewise, there will be a time when our days are no longer.

I have yet to read a book that doesn't have a front cover—and a back, a beginning—and an end. Likewise, in the plot line of your life, God will, at some point, say, "This is the end." And it will be.

Yet, in another sense, that moment will only be the beginning of eternity. For believers, eternity is our “story after the story.” But we have only a relatively few chapters here on earth to make a difference in that unending adventure.

I don't know how many pages remain in your narrative—or mine. But shouldn't those pages—every single one of them—be inked, underlined, and highlighted with stories of our courage, compassion, and Christ-exalting service?









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Jon GaugerJon Gauger

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Jon Gauger Media 2016