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Worship is Obedience  

What if the only people allowed to sing worship songs this Sunday were those who had worshipped God by sharing the gospel with someone? What if the only worship leaders who could stand up on stage this weekend were those who'd offered a verbal witness for Christ within the last twelve months?

How loud would the music be in our churches? I suspect “not very.”

Has any generation in the history of Christianity had more worship songs than ours? We love inspiring worship music (I do!). But is it possible we love to sing more than to obey?

Many believers use the words worship and music interchangeably, as if worship equals music. In fact, we can't imagine worship without music. But God sees worship as much larger than that. His definition centers on the concept of obedience.

In John 14:15, Jesus said, "If you love me, you will obey what I command.” And what was the very last command He left us with? “Go into all the world and preach the gospel” (Mark 16:15).

Sharing Jesus verbally is not optional. Jesus didn't say we could opt out if we are introverts or skip this part if it makes us nervous. The only question is, are we obeying?

In Matthew 15:8, Jesus said of the Pharisees, 'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me." Could that also describe us?

We sing all those great worship songs with our lips. But if we don't honestly care about lost people or regularly share Christ verbally, our hearts are far from Him!

He came to seek and to save the lost!

He transferred that assignment to us (though only Christ can ultimately save). 

Is that our passion?

Someday soon, Jesus is coming back. What will He find then—great bands doing worship music—or great bands of worshippers sharing the gospel, who then sing about it on Sundays?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay























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Jon GaugerJon Gauger

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