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Like--or Love--the Word of God?  

Do you love the Word of God—or just like it?

The difference is huge—but how can you know? Here are five questions to help you self-assess.

Check #1

If you LOVE the Word of God, when you skip a day reading it, you feel out of sorts, not ready for the day—as if you are not fully dressed. If you just LIKE the Word of God, reading it is more of a duty, a check-mark thing.


Check #2

If you LOVE the Word of God, you regularly find a nugget of treasure that makes you say, “Wow!” Might not happen every day, but often. If you just LIKE the Word of God, you honestly don’t get much out of it.


Check #3

If you LOVE the Word of God, you jot down notes in it or about it in your journal or notebook. If you just LIKE the Word of God, you don’t find much to write about.


Check #4

If you LOVE the Word of God, you find passages you really want to memorize—and you do! If you just LIKE the Word of God, you don’t bother.


Check #5

If you LOVE the Word of God, you regularly experience it drizzling all over your day—shaping your thoughts and words. If you just LIKE the Word of God, once you’re done reading it, it’s done with you.

Based on those five “checks,” would you say you like or love the Word of God? If you just like the Word, maybe one reason is you don’t have an easy reading translation. But if you already do, what’s the answer?

  • Spend LESS time reading other things, doing other things.
  • Spend MORE time reading the Word of God.
  • That’s it!

If we love the Word of God, it will capture our hearts, drive our thoughts and dominate our conversations as surely as a boyfriend or a girlfriend or a hobby.

Read it more—and you’ll love it more.

Read it less—and you’ll only like it, at best.


Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.  —Jesus


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Jon GaugerJon Gauger

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