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Where's the Urgency?  

What’s urgent in your life?

  • A spring yard project?
  • A new diet?
  • Setting up your will?

There's nothing wrong with any of these. But there's everything wrong with people who call themselves Christ followers—yet don't follow Christ's urgency in reaching the lost.

Jonathan Edwards declared, "Unconverted men walk over the pit of hell on a rotten covering." So—why aren't we more urgent about reaching out to our lost neighbors and friends? Why don't we sense that "rotten covering?"

Six-year-old Sadie does. For some time, her family has prayed for an unsaved neighbor (call him "Sam"). Having built a friendship with Sam, they're thinking about getting him a Bible—and Sadie is entirely on board with this. Here's a conversation she had last week with her mom:

SADIE: Mom, is there a place besides heaven when you die?

MOM: (Explains hell in age-appropriate language, describing how non-believers are separated from God forever).

SADIE: (Visibly upset and fidgety) That’s IT?! One choice for forever?! Hurry up and get me that Bible for Mr. Sam. This is serious!

Sadie is right—this is serious! So, hurry up and __________________  (you fill in the blank).

  • Who is it that God has placed on your path?
  • What neighbor, relative, or coworker is God calling you to share Jesus with?
  • What could you do to take your relationship to the next level spiritually?

This is urgent!

Just ask Jesus.


“[the Devil]... stands waiting for them, like greedy hungry lions that see their prey, and expect to have it.”  —Jonathan Edwards




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Jon GaugerJon Gauger

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